lim joe→∞

Teaching, Mathematics and Teaching Math.

Archive for February, 2010

Back at school – Day 0

Posted by forumjoe on February 3, 2010

So, over the holidays I did lots of things, but not much of them to do with teaching or planning. I’m now at my new school, and this is day 0. The last two days have been staff only days with lots of seminars and meetings and stuff, and this afternoon, finally, I get some time to myself in my office to organise my workflow and my classroom. I’ve spent some time setting up my work laptop to be just the way I want it (including getting all my contacts up to date from all sources). My organisation method is for another post, but right now I’m setting up my classroom to be how I want.

Finding some good maths posters for the classroom is difficult. There are a few old tattered ones in the maths office, but they’re fairly bland and boring for the kids. I ask you, all you teachers out there, what do you decorate the walls of your classroom with?

Tomorrow the kids come back. I’m having fun drawing a massive maze on one of the poster-walls, and sprinkling the important school notices (like uniform policy, fire drill procedures, etc) as walls of the maze. Should get the kids looking at them a bit more, and might provide a talking point.

Oh, and I got my timetable. I’m teaching grades 7-10 (11-16 year olds) with some classes of each. It’s going to be a crazy year, I’ll keep you posted on my sanity at regular intervals

I haven’t even had a chance to read teaching blogs yet. That’s my job for this upcoming weekend.

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